Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Travel Time: What happens when cross the Pacific

Fun fact: when you're flying for over 30 hrs and through fifteen time zones, you basically lose a day. In this case, julia and I were not on land for most of Jan 8th, but we didn't realize this until we were already in the air. We did, however, enjoy an hour of it in the airport in Taipei, Taiwan.

And the journey, well, it was a journey, but only in mileage and the emotional/mental stability of being able to stay sane on flights (with head colds, bloody noses, and no leg room on the trans-Pacific flight) that are just that long. Let's just say that I think Julia and I make really good travel buddies--we keep each other treading water. Other than that, every flight was on-time and smooth (Portland to LA, LA to Taipei, Taipei to Bangkok), our luggage arrived safely at BKK airport, there were no problems at customs, we got to watch Superbad and The Jane Austen Book Club (really good) on the plane, and my first attempt at saying hello in Thai (sat wat dii) got a pointed in the right direction of a taxi--and I couldn't be more thankful for that.


Chris G. said...

Yeah! Good job gumshoes. What is your next assignment?

Morning, noon and night hugs,


Unknown said...

Glad you guys got there safely! Can't wait to hear adventures (aside from helping each other tread water, you help each other get SILLY), and I miss you guys and am thinking about you lots! Eat lots of amazing food for me,yeah?

Kay said...

Yeah! Glad you made it safely. Looking forward to living vicariously through your thai adventures!

Love you

Judy Belle said...

Woohoo! You two Thai travelers you! Your flight sounds harrowing, but now...bring on the FUN! Looking forward to reading your new adventures!

Love, JudyBee-in-Rocklin